Dienstag, 17. Mai 2011

21th Birthday BASH ^^

Even though there was some chaos, it was a lot of fun hanging out with my friends.
Karaoke nite with some Japanese song which.. my friend Yasemin sang some of the sing nearly fluently not like I just sang some part but mainly the English parts.

Had a lot fun and got some great birthday present ^^.
I got a a Lush present box the "Wild Child".
I love their Bubble gum lip scrub, Happy Hippie and the Up You Gets Emotibomb .
But their sweetie pie was a bit weird because it was jelly soap or something that reminded my childhood.
I didn't like the smell... but finish it up.

 And Some other thing like perfume, giftcard and a cute painting from a friend XD.
Some pics of my B-day Bash. 
I'm just adding this pics.

Tiny and me

 Yasemin and Sarin.
They are such a good entertainer ^^.

Luv Liz

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